Blue Tangerine Logo

The Blue Tangerine Federation

Special Educational Needs & Disabilities Schools

‘Promoting the Abilities in Disability’

When considering a name for the federation of schools, the term ‘Blue Tangerine’ seemed to capture the feel and ethos of our schools.  A ‘Blue Tangerine’ in Urban Dictionary Terms means ‘Different in a good way and, indescribably beautiful!’  We celebrate our differences and are proud of who we are.

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As a federation of The Collett School and St Luke’s School we are ultimately focused on improving possibilities for our pupils by being better, together.  The two schools are foundation schools and the federation of these took place on 31st January 2019.

We innovate and look outwards, confident in our direction of travel and what needs to be done.   Both schools are deemed by Ofsted as ‘good’ with ‘outstanding’ Personal Development.  As schools, our achievements in promoting the abilities of our pupils are relentless; our Chelsea Flower Show award-winning gardens give testament to this. We are immensely honoured to have been chosen to display our pupils’ abilities on an international platform.

We are persistent in our lobbying for appropriate funding in order to provide the staffing needed, specific SEND resources, further staff training and improve our infrastructure.  As such, we fundraise ferociously, which in turn brings us into contact with amazing businesses and people that support our ambition to get our youngsters into the world of work throughout adulthood.

Our schools’ ethos and values are tangible. We value every child’s ability – supporting them to acquire the knowledge and skills relevant for their childhood and transition to successful adulthood in our mainstream world.  We look after ourselves, we look after each other, we look after the environment, and we look after our learning.  We work to enable the individual to be proud of their difference and their special characteristics to create improved self-esteem in order for them to thrive.  Work-related learning is an essential aspect of our curriculum and we are proud of scoring 100% in all areas of the Gatsby Profile.

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